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Lynn Abbott-McCloud

Lynn Abbott-McCloud 


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Michael Archer, DO

Upstate Medical University

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Leah Backhus, MD

Stanford Health Care

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Yolanda Colson, MD, PhD

Massachusetts General Hospital

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Dusty Donaldson


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Chris Draft

The Chris Draft Family Foundation

Angela Frank

Angela Frank, MD, MPH

Massachusetts General Hospital

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Michael Gieske, MD

St. Elizabeth Health Care

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Hari Keshava, MD

UC Irvine Health

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Phoebe Lee, EdM, JD


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Natalie Lui, MD

Stanford Health Care

Drew Moghanaki

Drew Moghanaki, MD, MPH

UCLA Health

Heidi Nafman-Onda

Heidi Nafman-Onda, MS

The White Ribbon Project

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Vignesh Raman, MD

Duke Health

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Lana Schumacher, MD

Massachusetts General Hospital

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Jo-Anne Shepard, MD

Massachusetts General Hospital

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Betty Tong, MD, MHS,

Duke Health

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Tom Varghese, MD, MS, MBA

University of Utah


Douglas Wood, MD

UW Medicine

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Mara Antonoff, MD

MD Anderson Cancer Center

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Hugh Auchincloss, MD

Massachusetts General Hospital

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Christine Berg, MD

National Cancer Institute

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David Tom Cooke, MD

UC Davis Health

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Jessica Donington, MD

UChicago Medicine

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Efren Flores, MD

Massachusetts General Hospital

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Sara Ghanderhari, MD

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Ella Kazerooni

Ella Kazerooni, MD, MS

Michigan Medicine

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Colleen Keyes, MD

Massachusetts General Hospital

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Charles Logan, MD

Northwestern University

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Linda Martin, MD

UVA Health

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Olugbenga Okusanya, MD

Jefferson Health

Pierre Onda

Pierre Onda, MD

The White Ribbon Project

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Jacob Sands, MD

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Lecia Sequist

Lecia Sequist, MD, MPH

Massachusetts General Hospital

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Brendon Stiles, MD

Montefiore Medical Center

Haley Tupper

Haley Tupper, MD, MPH

UCLA Health

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Jeffrey Velotta, MD

Kaiser Permanente

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Jane Yanagawa, MD

UCLA Health

© 2020 by ALCSI. ALCSI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.



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